从2021年5月起,谷歌核心网络生命体征将成为排名因素! -找出如何更好地为它做准备?

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

一个新的排名因素出现了! Yes! 到2021年5月,谷歌核心网络生命体征将很快成为排名因素. 但是,当谷歌每年推出数百项变化时,这怎么能成为新闻呢? 你说得对. Google introduces new changes to their algorithms quite often but it’s only occasionally they announce the ranking factor changes and now is one such moment wherein Google has announced some algorithm changes to make the user experience the foremost priority.

让我来解释一下这个新的排名因素的含义, 如何获得一个良好的开端呢, 当事情发生时,要做好准备.


作为用户,什么因素会影响你对某个品牌的忠诚度? 你会关心你的网页加载有多快? 交互的元素可能和那么怎么一致 & 应用程序是稳定的? 这些是影响和影响你的用户体验的真实体验指标. And Google is exactly trying to focus on these metrics now wherein visitors when they are on your web application or a mobile app, 他们在速度方面的体验如何, interaction, etc. 谷歌称这些为页面体验指标.

If you are wondering about the status of the older metrics like mobile responsiveness, HTTPS, etc. 记得当谷歌核心网络指标进入市场时,它并不是独立的. 这些指标与我们都知道的旧的或传统的指标组合在一起. But the primary focus of core web vitals is not about the page content but more about the kind of user experience. This is vital since there is a surge of many competitor applications and also due to the rise in the number of mobile users, 用户体验将起到决定性作用,并使你的竞争对手脱颖而出.

Core Web Vital对Google排名的影响是什么?

With hundreds of ranking signals, it can be puzzling the impact of the new ranking factor, right? You may want to know what shift this is going to make in Google SERPs as you are walking a tight competitive rope. If you want to remain consistently good in SERPs, you cannot dare ignore these ranking factors. At the outset, things like page speed may seem petty but this is impacting your user experience by a great deal! 这可能会影响他们对你的品牌的忠诚度.

Core Web Vitals is going to affect all the search results on mobile and desktop but more particularly it becomes a key criterion if you want to appear in the top search results. 早些时候,AMP是谷歌搜索结果的主要影响因素. 但现在这将取代AMP成为主要标准. 你必须努力达到谷歌核心网络生命体征的最低门槛,以获得更好的排名.

研究发现,这个排名因素具有巨大的影响. 根据谷歌的初步报告, it was found that web pages that meet core web vital thresholds have recorded a nearly 25% less abandonment rate! 没有一家公司能够承担因为可用性问题而损失大量流量的后果. Reap the best 电子商务网站SEO 始终保持网站位置的做法!


让我们来谈谈核心Web vital的细节. Mind you, these are a bit technical but it is important to understand what you need to measure. 让我们用外行人的话来理解到底需要衡量什么.

  1. 最大含油量(LCP) - 用外行人的话来说,就是你的页面加载速度有多快. 你需要看一下渲染时间, image loads, 视窗中的文本, 更了解你的页面速度. 有几个因素,比如服务器时间, CSS, JavaScript, 客户端渲染会影响页面加载速度.
    • Good - Less than 2.5 seconds
    • 需要改进-在2之间.5秒和4秒.
    • 差-超过4秒
  2. 累积布局移位(CLS) - 这是关于页面稳定性的. Suppose you are on a web page and you click on a button and it takes you somewhere else other than the one it is intended to. 这种意想不到的布局变化破坏了用户体验.
    • 好——小于100毫秒
    • 需要改进——在100毫秒到250毫秒之间.
    • 差—长于250毫秒
  3. 第一次输入延迟(FID) 你的页面是多么具有交互性啊? 假设你的用户点击了一些东西, maybe a button, 您的浏览器产生所需结果的速度有多快? 当你点击一些东西却什么也看不见时,这是一种糟糕的体验. 因此,需要深入JS或任何第三方代码来修复它.
    • 好——小于100毫秒
    • 需要改进——在100毫秒到300毫秒之间.
    • 差——超过300毫秒


If your current website is having issues with garnering better rankings, you need to fix them. 你可以去谷歌搜索控制台查看一份名为Core Web vital的报告. 在那里,您可以找到列出的所有url及其当前状态的索引-很好, poor, 或需要改进. You can pick up the latter two and investigate what went wrong and what improvements could be made.

All reports in Search Console also link to a report in Page Speed Insights that helps you to diagnose your problems with Core Web Vitals. 您可以找到性能度量工具套件. 如果你觉得这些方法太专业, 你总是可以雇佣一个精通这些技术问题的开发者. 即使你不能访问谷歌搜索控制台, 您可以在网络上的各种工具上找到这些报告.


一旦你在搜索控制台中看到核心Web生命体征的状态, 现在,您可能已经列出了需要改进的地方. 但你应该知道如何改进它们. An experienced agency like Skynet Technologies comes up with a workaround for these issue improvements. We do the root cause analysis by usually conducting specific page speed audits to dig into the exact root causes and how to find the remedy for these issues.


1. Improving LCP

提高LCP加载时间是至关重要的,特别是如果你正在运行一个电子商务商店. 当用户访问您的商店以查找所需产品时, 如果你的网站没有加载,他通常会在5秒内离开你的网站. 最糟糕的副产品是,它们甚至可能流向你的竞争对手. So, you need to have the ability to load quickly for converting your users into your customers. And who knows this better than Skynet Technologies which has over 2 decades of experience and has been providing comprehensive 电子商务发展服务 在多个平台上.

我们致力于优化各种页面元素,以提高页面加载速度. The challenging part here is this is likely to change as you move between devices and from user to user. So, we first take necessary measures to optimize the LCP scores is to figure out what viewport size the seller's audience is using. This can be found out from Google Analytics and by navigating to Audience > Mobile > Overview. 作为卖家,您希望包含浏览器大小的第二个维度. 同样的事情也可以复制到桌面浏览器的大小上.

The next step would be to focus on optimizing the site speed for particular device dimensions by assigning the largest element within the viewport sizes. The issue for slow loading LCP is usually in the product pages if you are running an ecommerce website. 如果您正在处理静态页面,那么问题将是关于徽标或图像. 优化图像将对降低加载速度产生巨大影响.


  • Minify CSS
  • 设置延迟加载
  • 升级虚拟主机提供商
  • 消除任何不必要的第三方脚本
  • 如果可能的话,删除大量的页面元素

2. Improving CLS

Suppose to improve the load speed, you go for lazy loading, it may have its impact on the CLS. 当图像没有任何相关的高度或宽度时,通常会发生布局变化. To enhance your CLS and mitigate this issue, you can use placeholders for shifting these elements. For example, 假设卖家的页面上有一个来自第三方的加载缓慢的广告, 这种缓慢加载的广告在完全加载时往往会将页面向下移动. So, this pushes the other elements down the page resulting in a "poor" or "needs improvement". 移除广告将导致收益权的丧失, so instead, 您可以选择实现为元素留出空间的占位符. So, when the ad loads, 元素不会向下移动, 会占用占位符提供的空白空间吗.


  • 在页面下方包含界面元素.
  • 对所有媒体实现使用设置大小属性.
  • 确保广告元素在页面上有保留空间.

3. Improving FID

当用户访问你的网站时, it has to respond quickly and when he attempts to interact with any specific elements on your ecommerce site, 它必须以肯定回应. For instance, 如果你的用户点击一个按钮, 需要执行的操作应该在100毫秒之内. 当你的网站优化得很差的时候, your main task becomes backlogged and hence it doesn't respond to the user interactions immediately. The main thread would be preoccupied with many other tasks and doesn't focus on the current interaction. 所以,会有很多空闲时间. 您可以通过将任务分解为更小的任务并优化JS文件来减少这种情况, CSS files, and defer non-critical CSS to lessen the burden of the main thread which thereby lets the site respond to user interactions quickly.


  • 清除浏览器缓存
  • 消除不必要的第三方脚本.
  • 选择服务器端渲染而不是客户端渲染.
  • 延迟对页面性能不重要的未使用的JS.


In a nutshell, 因为Google Core Web vital成为了最新的排名因素, 深入了解您的网站是如何执行的,是否符合这些标准. You can contact an experienced developer who has adequate experience in working on these page experience elements. You need to get your domain health assessed and lay a solid foundation to get ranked consistently good.

如果你现在还没有考虑过Core Web Vitals,那也不全是厄运! 你仍然可以努力优化你的网站的性能. 迟做总比不做好! 你可以选择一个有经验的网页设计师或 网站开发机构 that quickly takes this opportunity and helps you to make in-roads on the competitive webspace and reach the top of the Google search results.

天网科技是一个很好的开始. 与许多公司不同,我们不会让用户体验成为事后的想法. 我们有一个跨职能的开发团队, designers, and marketers who all work in a collaborative atmosphere with an end goal of providing the best user experience for our clients. 我们一直在提供各种 SEO services 提高你的serp,并迅速采用谷歌搜索算法的任何新变化. We could foster new perspectives about optimizing your website and act as a catalyst in helping you achieve your business goals.