
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

“发育障碍”一词是指在认知或智力发展方面有困难的人. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), developmental disabilities are much more complex. The term "developmental disability" refers to a group of conditions. It is common for these conditions to arise before, during, or just after birth. 它们会影响人的正常功能,通常会影响人的一生.

In March, as we observe Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, 至关重要的是,要关注阻碍发育性残疾个体包容性的数字障碍. In today's increasingly digital world, access to technology and online platforms is more crucial than ever. However, for several people with developmental disabilities, 这些数字空间往往会带来重大挑战,使它们与重要资源隔绝, information, and opportunities.


Identifying the digital barriers that make the web inaccessible

最常见和最重要的障碍是缺乏对数字可及性的认识和理解. 如果我们问自己,残疾人在访问网站时会遇到什么挑战, we would hardly be able to name a few issues or maybe none. The web page that appears normal for people without any disability, contains several issues for disabled users. 解决这一障碍的唯一办法就是教育我们自己和我们周围的人数字无障碍的重要性,以及它如何创造不同.

Another crucial facet is the implementation of accessibility standards. 包括WCAG (Web内容可访问性指南)在内的可访问性标准确保了数字可访问性,并且它们的实现并不容易. At times, developers/designers make mistakes while applying these standards, which doesn’t solve accessibility problems. Thus, for breaking down barriers in digital accessibility, correct guidelines implementation and thorough testing are important.

Also, if discrimination or biases dwell in an organization, 它阻碍了组织和个人(残疾人)实现各自的目标. 有大量的研究数据表明,对残疾人的歧视仍然存在,大量的人在生活的各个方面都在努力获得就业等机会. The number of unemployed people with disabilities was 21.到2022年在美国是3%,因为那时残疾人不太可能被组织雇用.

Though the numbers are improving, and disabled individuals are getting employment opportunities now, there is a huge scope for improvements to remove digital barriers.

Thus, 现在是时候雇主们必须认识到那些有能力的候选人的潜力了,不管他们的残疾如何,雇佣他们是为了给组织的成功和发展增加价值.

Important strategies to overcome digital barriers!

  • Prioritize disability inclusion

    每个公民都必须有平等的机会获得所有可用的服务和体验. 这是组织的社会责任以及他们的个人利益(增加转换率)。. Understand what the bottlenecks are, which facets require improvements, and work accordingly to improve accessibility. 需要采取正确的举措来提高残疾用户在数字环境中的参与度.

    Manual ADA Expert Auditing should be the first step to ensure the website’s accessibility. It helps identify all accessibility barriers that are the causes behind inaccessibility. Prioritize inclusive design by adhering to WCAG standards and offer seamless experience to all individuals.

  • Spread awareness through events and trainings

    举办活动并讨论更多关于可访问性及其障碍的问题是提高人们意识的有益方式. For such events, 组织可以与经验丰富的专业人员合作,分享有关可访问性的宝贵见解.

    Moreover, formal training on accessibility for the workforce that are directly involved in creating digital solutions is crucial.

  • Publish accessibility policy

    无障碍政策显示了组织对网页无障碍的专门承诺. It not only outlines the organization’s goals, procedures, and guidelines to meet suggested accessibility standards, 但是,它还涵盖了通过处理可访问性错误来维护标准所涉及的人员的角色和职责. Moreover, 确保根据可用的最新指导方针更新可访问性策略.

  • Utilize social media wisely

    社交媒体是推广包括可访问性在内的任何想法的最强大工具之一. These platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. 可以用来共享资源,新闻,或任何其他相关信息的网页可访问性. Don’t forget to use related hashtags to reach a wider audience.

  • Assistive technology usage

    Assistive technologies are required to offer accessible solutions to people with disabilities. 因此,数字解决方案应该具有包容性,并适应所有可用的主要辅助技术.

    Screen readers: Ensure that websites/applications are compatible with modern screen reader accessibility so that disabled users can read emails, document, and website content without any trouble.

    Speech recognition software: 行动不便的人使用这类软件来发出命令和执行不同的活动,如浏览在线内容.

    Speech-to-text software: Disabled individuals use them to convert spoken words into digital text. 这些工具(软件)必须与每个可用的数字产品(网站/应用程序)一起工作.

Developmental Disabilities and Digital Accessibility Solutions!

Increasing cases of ADHD, 精神障碍和其他残疾表明,未来几年将需要更容易获得的数字解决方案,以满足这些人基于互联网或在线信息的需求.

打破数字壁垒不仅是一种道德要求,也是网站所有者寻求获得更广泛受众的战略举措. By prioritizing inclusive design, conducting regular accessibility audits, and fostering a culture of accessibility, organizations can contribute to a digital landscape that is open, welcoming, and accessible to everyone. In doing so, 他们不仅符合法律要求,而且在日益多样化和互联的世界中加强了他们的在线存在和声誉.

During Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, let's work together to make digital spaces more inclusive. Take the first step towards achieving accessibility compliance. With our Full Web Accessibility Audit Services, we will help you to identify the accessibility gaps in your digital product, service, and ecommerce stores, 并提供一个快速和经济有效的解决方案,使其成为残疾人无障碍和欢迎的场所. For more information reach out to [email protected]